Obituary Judy Williams

With great sadness we would like to inform you that our member of merit, Judy Williams, passed away on Friday August 16, 2024, at the nursing home in Amsterdam where she was residing.

As a player Judy was for many years part of first the English and later Dutch national team, with the highlight being her 1969 win at the English national championships. Later she played for our club for many years at the highest level, initially still under the name Delta Lloyd and later Amsterdam ’78. Until late in life she continued to play for many teams, with her last matches being played in the Spring of 2020.

Judy dedicated herself for many years to our club, and also to table tennis in general. At Amsterdam ’78 she was also part of the Board for a long time, during which she was also involved in the move to the Schoolstraat in 1978. Fortunately she was still able to witness the move to the Baarsjesweg, where she played her last matches. Attached is a picture of our opening in January 2020, where Judy ceremoniously unveiled her own portrait.

Especially for the youth, Judy was invaluable for many years, devoting herself selflessly as a trainer, coach, tournament organizer, bartender and even chauffeur. She was present at the club almost every day and was happy to help everyone, making her the face of the club for many people. We will miss her. Judy lived to be 80 years old.

Extensive article about Judy from Table Tennis England.

Farewell speech funeral.

The Board